Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Getting Hard drive fixed

Hey there folks. So I was having lots of hard drive situations in December and so Best Buy replaced my hard drive. It took me a while to get help getting the data off the old one because the geek squad said that is was all lost. well little to their knowledge their are ways of getting some if not most of the information off the drive. Well I found a great electronics store here in Atlanta called Fry's and found a little chip that would help get the info off. Anyway last Christmas I was playing the some old pictures at gram ma's house. With the little that I know of photoshop I colorized one of Gram pa's pictures I'm sure everyone has seen this picture before. Now in color. Anyway let's not for get about May's family news letter I would be more then happy to do it again I have some new Idea's of design. let's try to get everyone (including the cousins to contribute to May's FNL. love you all and hope the beginning of the summer is grand for all.
Travis and Misako

1 comment:

The Force Revealed said...

Hey Travis and Misako,

Great work! Those look great!
