Sunday, October 19, 2008

Garry's Family Newsletter Post

Dear Family

I thought we were due for a newsletter. Sure enough, I got the word from Joan today. Get something to Travis. I’ve got my first pressure sore in years and so the Dr.’s are saying stay off it. I tried to type leaning over in my chair but couldn’t do it so I’ll write 5 minutes and then lean over. Oui Oui ?

June was a lot of fun. We had our 50 year high school ( I graduated at 13) reunion. I’d been on the planning committee for two years and all of us were excited to finally witness the fruits of our labors. Fri. night was an all school reunion at the high school where the spotlight was on us youngin’s. Sat. we had a catered dinner and dance (nope, I didn’t try) with a nice program. Sunday was a farewell breakfast which is what I was in charge of. We had almost 400 people attend. It was so fun to reminisce. It had to be one of the best ever. The class of ’59 has got a lot to live up to. Favorable comments came in for almost a month from all those who attended .

July was the Kent Cornucopia days at which we get to see Fran and Walt. It’s their annual Jewelry bazaar that’s closest to us. Actually, they did come just before that just to visit. Walt was restless to go someplace and so they came here. That may have been a part of the last newsletter. We like to “hang” with them. July was also the 12 Stake dance festival at the Tacoma Dome. The Mutual kids had been working on their dances since January. They did one performance Fri. night and two on Sat. Finally on Sat. I picked out Rebekah. She’d been on the front row all the time. She looked so grown up and with her short hair I didn’t recognize her. She can move pretty good. The dances were great. The place rocked from first dance to last. Trina was in the Young Women presidency and so had to chaperone. The last time I saw one was when she participated. A while back, huh?

In August I broke my leg in two places. Piddle Farting around down by the river across the road from my Mom’s. My leg tucked back under my chair while I was zipping along on the rocks. It took a couple days before the swelling made me nervous enough to go get an x-ray. I was kind of sweaty and clammy too. Nice going! It hasn’t been that big a deal. I’ve been wearing one of those boots around . I go in Oct. 17th. If everything looks O.K. I can take it off and get rid of the sweat pants with the cut open leg.

Jan’s grandson Michael (Sherry’s boy) died from an over dose of prescription drugs. He was only 25. He was bipolar. It was kind of sad. That was the day before Jan and her girls were going to Rexburg to take Jenice back to college. Trina and I took her instead. It was a lot of fun. Trina showed us the old and new stuff. We met Travis and Misako for lunch at Applebees and googled over the cute baby. I don’t think they like me calling her JazzyMoMo. For a sad reason for being there we had a good time. The long drive is where I picked up the pressure sore. I hope it heals fast. I hate this laying around.

Well thanks again Travis for putting the letter together. Deb is enjoying the break, I’m sure. It’s nice to get Joey’s letters. I’ve got to get to the airport and get some African Money to send him for lunch. It doesn’t sound like his new area has a McDonald’s. I guess Andy and Kyoko are back in Afghanistan. Sorry about your cat Kyoko. Nice getting your newsletters Karen. See you at Christmas. I hope Lori and Joan are doing O.K. I talked to Mom the most. You all keep her moving. I love it… It’s nice to be part of the family.

I love you guys. Garry

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